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Full Committee Hearing

Combating Social Isolation and Loneliness During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Time: 09:30am
Location: Senate Russell Office Building 253

PLEASE NOTE: Some Members of the Committee and Witnesses will attend via videoconference while others will attend in person. Due to the limited access to the Capitol Complex, members of the public will be able to view the hearing live on the committee’s website at

Member Statements

  • Senator
    Susan M. Collins (R-ME)

  • Chairman
    Bob Casey (D-PA)


  • Carla Perissinotto, MD

    Associate Chief for Geriatrics Clinical Programs, Associate Professor, School of Medicine,
    The University of California
    San Francisco, CA
  • Peter Reed, PhD

    Director, Sanford Center for Aging;
    Professor, Community Health Sciences, School of Medicine, University of Nevada
    Reno, NV
  • Betsy Sawyer-Manter

    President and CEO,
    Lewiston,, ME
  • Najja Orr

    President and CEO,
    Philadelphia Corporation for Aging,
    Philadelphia, PA