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Casey Releases Fact Sheet on Supreme Court Nominee’s Record on Seniors

Fact Sheet Highlights Brett Kavanaugh’s History of Ruling Against the Interests of Older Adults and People with Disabilities

Casey Urges Judiciary Committee to Release Kavanaugh’s Records Involving Seniors and People with Disabilities During White House Tenure


Today, U.S. Senator Bob Casey (D-PA), Ranking Member of the U.S. Senate Special Committee on Aging, released a fact sheet that details how President Trump’s nominee to the Supreme Court of the United States, Brett Kavanaugh, would be harmful for seniors and people with disabilities, if confirmed.


Senator Casey’s fact sheet highlights Judge Kavanaugh’s record, which indicates that he could chip away at the civil rights of people with disabilities, undermine a secure retirement for American workers, eliminate health care protection for people with pre-existing conditions and favor wealthy corporations over seniors.


“The confirmation of Brett Kavanaugh to the highest court in our country could have harmful, long-lasting effects particularly to seniors and the more than 62 million Americans with disabilities,” said Senator Casey. “Judge Kavanaugh’s record shows that he has ruled against the rights of people with disabilities, sided with corporations over older workers and retirees, and could return us to the days when there were no health insurance protections for people with pre-existing health conditions.”


Senator Casey also urged the Judiciary Committee to release all of Judge Kavanaugh’s records pertaining to his work involving older adults and people with disabilities during his tenure at the White House.


“While I have opposed the process by which Judge Kavanaugh has been nominated, as a member of the Senate, I have a responsibility to advise the President and inform the citizens of Pennsylvania regarding the Judge’s record, noted Senator Casey’s letter.


“Our courts are designed to provide equal protection to all Americans. Older adults and people with disabilities need to know members of the highest court will hear their cases fairly,” the letter concluded.


Read the fact sheet detailing SCOTUS nominee Kavanaugh’s previous record.

Read the letter to the Judiciary Committee seeking Kavanaugh’s documents from White House tenure.