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Casey, Scott to Host Hearing on Health Care Needs for At-Risk Americans Amid Pandemic

Senators Convene First Hearing as Chair and Ranking Member of the Special Committee on Aging

Washington, DC – On Thursday, March 18, the U.S. Senate Special Committee on Aging Chairman Senator Bob Casey (D-PA) and Ranking Member Tim Scott (R-SC) will hold a hearing entitled, “COVID-19 One Year Later: Addressing Health Care Needs for At-Risk Americans.” During the hearing, Senators Casey and Scott will examine how aging Americans most likely to face serious complications and hospitalization from COVID-19, including seniors, people with disabilities and communities of color, are faring one year into the pandemic.


As of March 16, more than half a million Americans have lost their lives to COVID-19. In an effort to inform policy-making, the Senators will hear expert testimony from health care and aging leaders about the current state of care, vaccinations and what more can be done to help these communities.   


Witnesses for the hearing will include:

  • Dr. Anand Iyer, MD, MSPH Assistant Professor, Division of Pulmonary, Allergy and Critical Care Medicine, University of Alabama, Birmingham, AL


  • Dr. Amy Houtrow, MD, PhD, Professor and Vice Chair, Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation for Pediatric Rehabilitation Medicine, University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, Pittsburgh, PA


  • Anthony Jackson, MBA, Senior Vice President and Chief Operating Officer, Roper Saint Francis Healthcare, Charleston, SC


  • Sandra Harris, Volunteer State President, AARP Massachusetts, Boston, MA


When: Thursday, March 18, at 9:30 A.M.


Watch: Live broadcast online here.

