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Casey's Spotlight: NEW Report: Barriers to Voting for Older Americans


Dear Friends:


The right to vote is one of the fundamental pillars of American democracy, but many states have made it harder for seniors and people with disabilities to vote.  We have a sacred responsibility to the generation that came before us and that includes upholding their right to cast a ballot.


That’s why I released a report today that offers recommendations to ensure that all older Americans have access to the voting booth.  As the report shows, strict voter identification laws, the closure of voting locations, inaccessible polling places, and limits on early voting and absentee ballots prevent older adults and people with disabilities from casting votes. 


These barriers are a direct threat to the voting rights of millions of older Americans.  Today’s report identifies solutions to ensure that every eligible American is able to vote.


I hope you will take a moment to review this report and share it with others.  You can read the full report here



Bob Casey