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Casey’s Spotlight: Senator Casey Introduces the Supporting Grandparents Raising Grandchildren Act


Dear Friends:


This week, I introduced the Supporting Grandparents Raising Grandchildren Act, along with Senator Susan Collins (R-ME), to create a targeted federal effort to better support grandparents raising grandchildren. The legislation follows a hearing I held in the Special Committee on Aging to examine the rise in grandfamilies due to the opioid epidemic. During the hearing, grandparents who are raising their grandchildren expressed a need for easy access to information about resources and supports to assist them as they take on this important role, including navigating the school system or connecting to mental health services. 


Many grandparents selflessly put their lives on hold to raise the grandchildren they love, but it may come at a personal cost, including delaying retirement, depleting their retirement savings, or disconnecting them from their peers. Grandparents are stepping up for their grandchildren and we must make sure they are aware of all of the supports available to them – that is why my legislation would create a one-stop-shop for grandfamilies. This legislation is designed to say that you are not alone and that we have your back, with a focused federal effort to providing the information and supports grandparents need. The full text of the bill can be read here.


If you would like to sign on as an endorser of our bill please respond to this e-mail. Let’s continue to work together on behalf of our Nation’s grandparents and the grandchildren they support.


Thanks for your help,

Bob Casey