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In effort to strengthen Social Security Administration’s response to fraud, Collins, Casey Request Information on SSA OIG’s Efforts to Combat Social Security Scam

As Chairman and Ranking Member of the Aging Committee, Senators Collins and Casey have been leading efforts in Congress to fight scams targeting seniors

Click HERE to read Senators Collins and Casey’s letter.


Washington, D.C.—U.S. Senators Susan Collins (R-ME) and Bob Casey (D-PA), the Chairman and Ranking Member of the Aging Committee, wrote to Social Security Administration (SSA) Inspector General Gail Ennis, urging her to review the SSA’s efforts to combat the Social Security scam, including the steps that have been taken to limit the scam’s effect on customer service.  The letter also requests more information about the Office of Inspector General’s (OIG) own work to address this scam. In July 2019, the Federal Trade Commission announced that the Social Security scam tops the list of most reported frauds, and the Aging Committee’s Fraud Hotline (1-855-303-9470) has received a significant increase in complaints about the Social Security scam since last year.


“Despite efforts to raise public awareness and limit scammers’ ability to spoof the SSA’s phone numbers, the Social Security scam perpetrators continue their relentless attempts to defraud the public, including seniors, and steal their personal information,” Senators Collins and Casey wrote.  “As the Chairman and Ranking Member of the Senate Special Committee on Aging, we are committed to stopping scammers who steal from older Americans and their families.  We expect the SSA to share this commitment and take all available steps to protect seniors from this pernicious scam.”


The Social Security scam generally involves criminals impersonating Social Security staff and calling victims to fraudulently take money from them or obtain their personal identifiable information. In one iteration of this scam, victims are told that their Social Security number has been suspended and that there is a warrant for their arrest.  The fraudsters claim they need additional information from victims to verify their identity. 


Click HERE to read Senators Collins and Casey’s letter.

