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Ranking Member Braun Presses SSA on E-Signatures for Beneficiaries


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WASHINGTON –Ranking Member Braun questioned Social Security Administrator Martin O’Malley on the Social Security Administration’s (SSA) electronic signature response at the Aging Committee hearing on Wednesday. In December, Ranking Member Braun and Chairman Casey wrote a letter to the SSA on the lack of compliance with congressional and executive direction to allow e-signatures for beneficiaries.

E-signatures allow seniors and people with disabilities to sign forms electronically, without having the print the form and physically take it to a local office. SSA has been mandated to allow e-signatures, but had not complied. This creates an unnecessary obstacle for disabled and senior beneficiaries who may face difficulties traveling to an office to sign required forms. Thanks to pressure from Ranking Member Braun’s letter, Commissioner O’Malley announced that SSA has made important progress updating its forms and expanding access to e-signatures for vulnerable beneficiaries. Ranking Member Braun will continue to hold SSA accountable on fully implementing e-signature policies.
