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Senate Aging Committee to Hold Hearing Examining Why Many Americans Are Financially Unprepared for Retirement

NBC’s Today Show Financial Editor Jean Chatzky to be Among the Witnesses

           WASHINGTON, DC—Nationally, one in four retired Americans has no source of income beyond Social Security. In addition, a Gallup survey published in 2012 found that more than half of all Americans are worried that they will not be able to maintain their standard of living in retirement.  The Senate Special Committee on Aging, led by Chairman Susan Collins and Ranking Member Claire McCaskill, will be examining how prepared Americans are for retirement during a hearing scheduled for Thursday, March 12.  Witnesses include Jean Chatzky, financial journalist and financial editor for NBC’s Today Show.

            Details of the hearing are as follows:


Bridging the Gap: How Prepared are Americans for Retirement?

March 12, 2015

10:30 AM

Dirsken Room 562

        In addition to Jean Chatzky, witnesses include: Alicia Munnell, PhD, Director, Center for Retirement Research, Boston College; Michal Grinstein-Weiss, PhD, Associate Professor, Brown School of Social Work, Washington University and associate director of the Center for Social Development; Rob Carmichael, Human Resources Director, Maine Savings Federal Credit Union

